
Showing posts from August, 2019

More Than 70 Projects and Applications Built Around Bitcoin Cash

Tether Plans to Mint Digital Yuan and Commodity Coins, Says Bitfinex Shareholder

What’s Being Built – and What’s Not – on 2019’s Smart Contract Blockchains

Check Out the New Featured Tokens on’s Markets Page

Image has just launched a Featured Tokens page, allowing coin creators with unique tokens to apply for a listing through a simple review process. Each token listed on’s upcoming exchange, launching Sep. 2, will also be listed at, providing great exposure and detailed data for projects making a splash in the BCH community and elsewhere. Also Read: PR: Australian Bitcoin Cash Conference Brings Cryptocurrency Leaders to Townsville Featured Tokens Galore Featured Tokens is a new section of, displaying BCH-friendly tokens with unique selling points and offerings, vibrant communities, and a vision for a future of greater economic freedom. Bitcoin Cash-based coins ACD, Spice (SPICE), and Honest Coin (USDH) have already been listed, and users of the markets page can get up-to-date info on each coin’s rank, price, market cap, 24-hr volume, and top markets. Coin metadata such as algorithm, proof type, supply, and max suppl

Agorism and Bitcoin: Free People Don’t Ask Maxine Waters for Permission

Anti-agorism Congressional Representative Maxine Waters still has misgivings about Facebook’s proposed Libra digital currency, even after meeting with Swiss government officials to discuss the tech last week. The sustained reservations echo the message of July’s open letter from the House of Representatives to Facebook, calling for a halt on Libra’s ongoing development. While many view regulation and careful legislative feet-dragging a troublesome necessity for crypto mainstreaming, agorists, anarchists, and other free marketeers see a critical problem: the tech is already here, and how we use it in non-violence is nobody else’s damn business. Also Read: Mega Drug Pushers Johnson & Johnson Get Away While Peaceful Silk Road Is Destroyed Intro to Agorism Agorism is, quite simply, the free exchange of goods and services by individual, free market actors. has previously reported on the philosophy, and this primer about Agorism and crypto is a good place to start f

Crypto Lending Platforms Prepare to Assail the Banking System

The battle lines have been drawn and the troops assembled. On the one side stands the combined might of the banking cartels, centuries of deeply entrenched financial infrastructure supporting them. And on the other side stands a handful of crypto companies armed with little more than a passionate plea: “Ditch the legacy system and come join us. Where we’re going, you won’t need banks.” It’s an enticing call – but is anyone heeding it? Also read: Crypto Salaries Gain Regulatory Recognition Around the World Crypto Lending: Innovation or Emulation? Every couple of months, a new trend comes along that captures column inches and crypto Twitter chatter, before everyone moves on to the next new thing. Last month it was defi, before that IEOs, and before that exchange tokens. Right now, the hot topic is crypto lending, and it comes bearing an intriguing question: are crypto lending platforms a solution to a common problem, or a solution in search of a problem to wrap itself around? Befor

Cryptocurrencies Such as Bitcoin Cash Shine During Hong Kong Protests

How Market Makers Inject Liquidity Into the Cryptoconomy

Market makers have a reputation that is entirely disproportionate to what they do. Despite what half of crypto Twitter would have you believe, MMs, as they are colloquially known, are a neutral force when used correctly. But should tokenized projects be routinely deploying these tools on crypto exchanges, and what are the long-term ramifications of manufacturing buy and sell orders? Also read: ERC20 Tether Transactions Flip Their Omni Equivalent From Drip-Fed to Full Faucet: Running the Liquidity Spectrum Liquidity is all relative. While bitcoin’s liquidity trumps the rest of the crypto market combined, the depth of the order book still varies greatly from exchange to exchange. A 5 BTC sell order can be absorbed without blinking on Binance, but attempt the same on Trade Satoshi (24-hour volume : $15K) and you’ll be rekt by slippage. Ensuring sufficient liquidity across multiple exchanges where their token is listed is a tough ask for crypto projects, who are increasingly being exp

PR: Partners with Resistance – the Next Gen DEX

August 29th, 2019 – Last week, the Resistance team met with CEO Stefan Rust, and other members of the organization, to discuss the terms of a partnership. The meeting was a great success and a strategic partnership agreement was drawn up and signed the same day. The exact details of the agreement are yet to be announced, but this important development will help to make the Resistance decentralized exchange and privacy coin accessible to the masses through’s significant presence in the blockchain space. “Joining forces with a company that has such incredible strengths in the blockchain industry, together with our team of technology and cryptographic geniuses, it’s possible for us to change the world.” says Resistance CEO, Anthony Khamsei. The Resistance platform, accessed through the Resistance Desktop Application includes a decentralized exchange, ResDEX, privacy coin (RES), and CPU-optimized miner that allows users to mine on the Resistance bloc

Crypto Can Boost Indian Economy – How Banning Will Hurt it

The Indian economy is experiencing severe economic slowdown not seen in many years, and cryptocurrency can potentially help. However, the government is considering a draft bill to ban cryptocurrencies, which could have undesirable consequences on the economy. Meanwhile, the Indian crypto community has already been enduring a banking ban by the central bank. Also read: Indian Supreme Court Orders RBI to Answer Crypto Exchanges, New Date Set Job Growth Amid ‘Unprecedented’ Economic Slowdown Rajiv Kumar, the vice-chairman of Indian policy think tank Niti Aayog, said last week that the Indian government is facing “an unprecedented situation.” He explained that “In the last 70 years, nobody had faced this sort of situation where the entire financial system is under threat.” According to Reuters, economists predicted earlier this week that, in the second quarter of this year, the Indian economy likely expanded at its slowest pace in more than five years. The slowdown has led to many jo

Crypto Salaries Gain Regulatory Recognition Around the World

Salaries paid in decentralized digital coins have become a norm across the crypto industry, but there’s really no reason why cryptocurrencies can’t be used for remuneration by businesses in other sectors as well. In many jurisdictions that should be legal even in the absence of dedicated legislation. Switzerland, New Zealand, Japan and Estonia are a few examples. Companies and employees in these countries take advantage of the benefits that come with crypto payments. Also read: Initiative to Curtail Negative Interest Rates Gains Traction in Germany Temptation to Tax Crypto Income Works in Favor of Bitcoin Wages Switzerland has already established itself as a crypto-friendly nation and it is a role model in many respects, including the way it treats cryptocurrency remuneration. Many leading companies and projects in the crypto space have already set up offices or are headquartered in the Swiss Crypto Valley, centered in the Canton of Zug. The long list includes names such as Shape

ERC20 Tether Transactions Flip Their Omni Equivalent

Venezuelan Pharmacy Chain Accepts Bitcoin Cash for Medicine and Products

Reformed BTC Maximalist Erik Finman Proves the Value of Unschooling

Mega Drug Pushers Johnson & Johnson Get Away While Peaceful Silk Road Is Destroyed

It’s been said that those who protest the loudest are often the ones who are guilty, and when it comes to government and their pet corporations, things are no different. No surprise, then, that the blustery moralizing — and violent state force brought to bear against businesses — are most intense where the money and power stand to be lost, as in the case of the Silk Road, and most weak and permissive where embedded, state-friendly corporations like Johnson & Johnson can basically get away with murder. Also Read: The White House Just Blamed Bitcoin for America’s Opiate Crisis Opioid Kingpins The state of Oklahoma won $572 million in a lawsuit against American pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson Monday, for their alleged reckless contribution to the state’s opioid crisis. Prosecutors labeled the company a “public nuisance,” and an opioid “kingpin.” The mega corporation’s aggressive marketing tactics downplayed the very real risks of extremely addictive opioid painkillers ,